Integrate patient tools into the clinical workflow with Synbase
Synbase platform enables the use of clinical decision support tools in your electronic health records or personal health records by providing: Clinical decision support platform
- Recommendations and potential adverse events in local language
- Map with local drug compendium and local ICD-10 coding system
- Takes drug administration route into account
- Integrated with other drug databases
- Support search with local trade name, active substance, and ATC code
- It considers both prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) medication
Drug therapy needs attention that clinical decision support can solve
Patient-related version for drug-drug interactions
Besides drug-drug interaction services for doctors or pharmacists, we also provide the patient-related version of the drug interactions service, where warning texts are specially tailored for the patients.
Drug interactions service for patients can be part of a personal health record (PHR) or pharmacy information system. The patient version has information on possible drug interactions, covering prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) medications.
Patient tools: drug databases, symptom checker, patients questionnaires
Evidene-based databasesPatient-related version for drugs in pregnancy database
Besides pregnancy and lactation tools for doctors or pharmacists, we provide patient-specific versions of drugs in pregnancy and breastfeeding tools, where health information is specially catered to the patients.
Patients’ pregnancy and lactation tools can be part of a personal health record (PHR) or pharmacy information system. The patient version covers both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and also other substances such as supplements.
Drug databases available in the Synbase platform are developed and updated quarterly by Medbase.
Symptom checker for patients as a gateway to health care system at a primary care setting
The symptom checker and triage tool connect patients to the appropriate care setting in your health system. This solution improves patient experience and drives patient engagement.
Symptom checker for patients available in Synbase platform is developed and updated quarterly by Isabel Healthcare (UK).
Patient questionnaires and risk calculators will automate processes and increase time for patient consultation
Patient questionnaires and risk calculators are services that assess specific health problems or symptoms and evaluate the need for and urgency of treatment, automatically directing the patient to appropriate assistance.
Patient questionnaires and risk calculators in the Synbase platform are part of EBMEDS decision support, developed and updated by Duodecim Medical Publications (Finland).