Together with our customer Estonian Health Insurance Fund, we made the first nationwide implementation of a complex clinical decision support system in 2020.
Medical errors are 3rd third leading cause of death in the US, following heart disease and cancer, claiming lives of 250 000 people every yearJohns Hopkins University, 2016
Medical errors and poor adherence to the latest medical knowledge are crucial clinical problems that clinical decision support systems can improve. Clinical decision support enables user organizations to target higher care quality, better patient safety, higher care efficiency, and lower health care costs.
Integrate clinical decision support into your clinical workflow to improve patient care, service quality and reduce errors
Synbase platform provides a collection of clinical care databases to work together with clinical decision support systems. Clinical decision support platform
- Content of clinical databases in local language
- Integrated with local medical terms
- Combined with other databases (e.g., drug databases, differential diagnostics)
- Supports search terms in local language (diagnosis names, medication names, symptoms)
- In desktop, tablet, or mobile applications for medical professionals
The nationwide clinical decision support system was awarded as #1 public digital service in Estonia
Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications choose the clinical decision support system implementation to be the best Estonian public digital service in competition „Su(g“ in 2021.
Clinical decision support as nationwide service
Case study
Clinical decision support system EBMEDS delivers clinical reminders based on an analysis of patient data.
Evidence-basedClinical decision support system EBMEDS
The Evidence-Based Medicine Electronic Decision Support (EBMEDS) brings evidence into practice using context-sensitive guidance at the point of care.
Clinical decision support system combines patient data reports (drugs, diagnosis, laboratory investigations, risk factors, previous procedures) with current and curated medical knowledge. A decision support system presents patient-specific instructions.
The clinical decision support system links medical guidelines via reminder notices, automatically created from the diagnoses or problems coded in electronic health records (EHR). EBMEDS provides reminders based on EBM Guidelines and the Evidence Summaries (particularly those summarizing the results of Cochrane Reviews).
Medical Device Regulation
European Union classifies medical software applications as medical devices within the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). EBMEDS is to be classified as an MDR class I device carrying CE marking.
Read more about the MDR in EU >
Evidence-based point of care solution with high clinical usability
The reminders are brief, actionable messages that are shown directly from the user interface of the EHR. Reminders consist of alerts, recommendations and
Evidence is global, recommendations can be local
Editorial tools for clinical decision support systems provide an easy way of linking to local guidelines and developing decision support reminders based upon them.
Clinical decision support system EBMEDS and related evidence-based point of care medical database evidence-based medical guidelines (EBMG) are developed and updated quarterly by Duodecim Medical Publication (Finland).